Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Notes to Myself(22/05/08)

"I have learned from my experiences in the past that i regret not-doing(or not-saying) things, which i should have, more than doing(or saying) things which i shouldn't have.

And I am so glad that atleast i try each and everytime i feel my heart is right rather than giving up without even trying even if i end up making a complete fool of myself"

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Notes to Myself (15/05/08)

"Events from the last few days have strengthened my belief in Karma. What goes around certainly comes around. If you think your life is in mess, do look under your shirt and you will find the reason for the same."

Monday, May 12, 2008

Notes To Myself (12/05/08)

"Hey jude, dont make it bad.Take a sad song and make it better........"
"And anytime you feel the pain, hey jude, refrain,Dont carry the world upon your shoulders.For well you know that its a fool who plays it cool By making his world a little colder...." - Lines from the Song "Hey Jude" by Beatles

These are lines from one of the most magical song. Everytime i am feeling down, this song lifts up my spirit.Each and everytime.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Notes to Myself (02/05/08)

"While discussing about the movie "Eternal sunshine of the Spotless Mind", a friend of mine told me how she wished she could delete some bad memories from her brain. Thinking about it, i don't want to delete any of my old memories. I am what i am today because of all the good and the bad things happened to me in the past, and i embrace each one of those memories equally, irrespective of weither i was left hurted or felt elated because of it.

Life is most beautiful with all its colors, including the darker ones :) "